asdocx with mrtab

mrtab is a community-contributed package written by Ben Jann. mrtab tabulates multiple responses which are stored as a set of variables. Users of asdocx have requested the addition of support for mrtab. Beginning with version 2.1.9, asdocx will now support mrtab, allowing users to export mrtab tables to Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.

A slightly modified version of mrtab is available on the asdocx website, which is automatically downloaded when a user first uses mrtab with asdocx. The modification is done to extract only the output matrix from mrtab and send it to asdocx, no other changes are made. Using mrtab with asdocx is simple; simply add ‘asdocx as a prefix to the mrtab command. Here are few examples of using mrtab with asdocx.

It’s important to note that both mrtab and asdocx have the option of title(). In the one-way tables, mrtab uses it to label the multiple response set, while asdocx uses it to print the table title. To avoid this conflict, the mrtab “title()” option is reset to cnames(), that is column name.

One-ways tabels

  * Load example dataset
 use, clear
 * asdocx with mrtab
asdocx mrtab inco1-inco7, include cnames(Sources of income) /// 
       title(Table: Multiple responses)
Table: Multiple responses
Sources of income Frequency Percent of responses Percent of cases
private support (partner, 226 12.83 23.25
public support (unemployment 607 34.47 62.45
drug dealing 293 16.64 30.14
housebreaking, theft, robbery 50 2.84 5.14
prostitution 82 4.66 8.44
“mischeln”/begging 151 8.57 15.53
legal occupation 352 19.99 36.21
Total 1761

Two-ways tabels

  * Two-way tables with tests
 asdocx mrtab crime1-crime5, include response(2 3) ///
title(Crime (as victim)) nonames by(sex) column mtest(bonferroni)
Crime (as victim)
Sex of respondent

female male Total Ch2 /p*
hit someone 35 94 129 0.014
14.46 14.16 14.24 1.000
use a weapon 4 22 26 1.754
against someone 1.65 3.31 2.87 0.927
sexual harassment, 31 0 31 88.071
rape 12.81 0.00 3.42 0.000
robbery (including 32 66 98 1.982
drug theft) 13.22 9.94 10.82 0.796
blackmail 14 14 28 8.005
5.79 2.11 3.09 0.023
Total 116 196 312
47.93 29.52 34.44
Cases 242 664 906
*Pearson Chi2(1) / Bonferroni-adjusted p-values


See also

  • tabmany – Table of multiple coded answers
  • mrtab – One- and two-way tables of multiple responses
  • fre – One-way frequency tables
  • tabcount – tabulates frequencies for up to 7 variables
  • tab3way – Three way table of frequencies and percentages
  • missings – Various utilities for managing missing values
  • tabulate, tab1, tab2
  • pctab – Percentage over a grouping variable
  • crosstab – table of means and weighted by in cross tabulations

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