Setting the Output Format of asdocx Setting the Output Format

The default in asdocx is to export tables in docx or MS Word format. However, this behavior can be changed either permanently or just for a given file. Let us discuss these options one by one:

asdocx picks the output style from the file extension that is provided in the save(filename).extension) option. Therefore :

asdocx export tables in docx or MS Word format  Export to MS Word

asdocx sum, save(Regression Results.docx) will set the output format to docx. The save() option is sticky. Therefore, if we do not provide any filename in subsequent runs of the asdocx, the same filename and extension will be used for the output file. To explore different options available for docx file in asdocx, visit this page.

Stata asdocx export to MS Excel output format Export to MS Excel

asdocx sum , save(Regression Results.xlsx) – For MS Excel output format. To see different examples of exporting from Stata to Excel files using asdocx, visit this page.

asdocx export to TEX / LaTeX output format.  LaTeX output format in asdocx

LaTeX is widely used in academia and research for producing high-quality documents, papers, theses, and reports with precise formatting and mathematical notation. To export your Stata tables and text in TEX / LaTeX format using asdocx, use the .tex extension in the save() option.

asdocx sum, save(Summary Statistics.tex) 

This command generates a TEX file named “Summary Statistics.tex” containing your Stata summary statistics and other relevant data in LaTeX format.

asdocx export to HTML output format HTML Output Format in asdocx

To export your Stata tables or text in HTML format using asdocx, add .html as file extension in the save option

asdocx sum, save(Summary Statistics.html) 

For more in-depth information, examples, and advanced usage of HTML output format in asdocx, please explore our detailed documentation by clicking here.