
As with other Stata commands, you only need to add asdocx as a prefix to the tabulation commands, including  tabulate, tab1, and tab2, etc. You can use the following options of asdocx to control its behavior. (1) replace / append (2) save(filename) (3) title(text) (4) fs(#).

One-way table

asdocx generally follows the syntax structure and options of the official tab command, but also provide an additional nocf option to suppress the cumulative frequencies column of the tab command.

Example: Base case

sysuse auto, clear
asdocx tabulate rep78, replace
Tabulation of rep78
Repair Record 1978 Freq. Percent Cumulative Freq.
1 2 2.90 2.90
2 8 11.59 14.49
3 30 43.48 57.97
4 18 26.09 84.06
5 11 15.94 100.00
Total 69 100.00

Please note that replace is asdocx option to replace the existing file. If we were to write to the existing file, we would then use option append, instead of replace.

No cumulative frequencies

asdocx tabulate rep78, replace nocf
Tabulation of rep78
Repair Record 1978 Freq. Percent
1 2 2.90
2 8 11.59
3 30 43.48
4 18 26.09
5 11 15.94
Total 69 100.00

Two-way table of frequencies

The official tabulate produces a two-way table of frequency counts, along with various measures of association. To export its output with asdocx:

webuse citytemp2, clear
asdocx tab region agecat, replace
Tabulation of region agecat
Census Region agecat
19-29 30-34 35+ Total
NE 46 83 37 166
N Cntrl 162 92 30 284
South 139 68 43 250
West 160 73 23 256
Total 507 316 133 956

Include row percentages

Option row displays the relative frequency of each cell within its row in a two-way table.

asdocx tabulate region agecat , row replace
Tabulation of region agecat
Age category
Census region 19–29 30–34 35+ Total
NE 46 83 37 166
27.711 50 22.289 100
N Cntrl 162 92 30 284
57.042 32.394 10.563 100
South 139 68 43 250
55.6 27.2 17.2 100
West 160 73 23 256
62.5 28.516 8.984 100
Total 507 316 133 956
53.033 33.054 13.912 100
Notes: First row has frequencies, and second row has row percentages.

Include column percentages

Option column displays the relative frequency of each cell within its column in a two-way table.

asdocx tabulate region agecat , column replace
Tabulation of region agecat
Census Region 19-29 30-34 35+ Total
NE 46 83 37 166
9.073 26.266 27.82 17.364
N Cntrl 162 92 30 284
31.953 29.114 22.556 29.707
South 139 68 43 250
27.416 21.519 32.331 26.151
West 160 73 23 256
31.558 23.101 17.293 26.778
Total 507 316 133 956
100 100 100 100
Notes: First row has frequencies, and second row has column percentages.

One- and two-way tables of summary statistics

The option summarize() produces one- and two-way tables (breakdowns) of means and standard deviations.

sysuse auto, clear
asdocx tabulate rep78, summarize(mpg) replace
Repair record 1978 Mean St.Dev Frequency
1 21 4.243 2
2 19.125 3.758 8
3 19.433 4.141 30
4 21.667 4.935 18
5 27.364 8.732 11

Two variables tabulation with summary statistics

generate wgtcat = autocode(weight, 4, 1760, 4840)
asdocx tabulate wgtcat foreign, summarize(mpg) replace

Suppress frequencies

asdocx tabulate wgtcat foreign, summarize(mpg) nofreq replace

Multiple-way tabulation (tab1)

tab1 produces a one-way tabulation for each variable specified in varlist.

sysuse nlsw88, clear

asdocx tab1 race married grade, replace

export tabulation from Stata to Excel Word with asdocx

Two-way for all possible combinations (tab2)

asdocx tab2 race south, replace