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  • Brian
    Post count: 5

    Dear Professor,

    I’m using asdocx to output regression results generate by reghdfe. However, Stata returned the following error message.

    asdocx_func_nested_reg(): 3200 conformability error
    : – function returned error

    There is no error when I run regression with reghdfe but don’t output results. Two absorbed fixed effects and two-way clustered standard errors are implemented, and there are around 1 million obs in my data set. I think I’m using the latest version of asdocx.

    Thanks for your help!

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Mingming Ji
    Thanks for reporting this. I have added this command to asdocx now. Please update it and try.

    webuse nlswork
    asdocx reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa south , absorb(idcode year) nest replace 
    asdocx reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa  , absorb(idcode year) nest
                               Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                      2                   3 
      1 |                                     (1)                 (2) 
      2 |                                    ln_w                ln_w 
      3 |grade                                                        
      4 |                                                             
      5 |age                                0.011               0.011 
      6 |                                  (0.01)              (0.01) 
      7 |ttl_exp                         0.032***            0.032*** 
      8 |                                 (0.002)             (0.002) 
      9 |tenure                           0.01***            0.011*** 
     10 |                                 (0.001)             (0.001) 
     11 |not_smsa                       -0.091***           -0.096*** 
     12 |                                  (0.01)              (0.01) 
     13 |south                          -0.064***                     
     14 |                                 (0.011)                     
     15 |_cons                           1.162***            1.144*** 
     16 |                                 (0.291)             (0.291) 
     17 |Observations                       27541               27541 
     18 |R-squared                          0.676               0.676 
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