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  • Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Dear Will Hall

    This might happen if you have the Excel open. If that is the case, additional contents cannot be written to an open file. I am using the following three coding lines and their contents are reflected in the Excel file

    asdocx sum, save(myfile.xlsx) replace
    asdocx cor
    asdocx reg price mpg rep78 headroom trunk
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Pro Bijaya Kumar
    You are right. The template(table1) works only when the treatment variable is binary or has two categories. This is because the template was designed to meet the requirement of a professor who wanted to pay for the development of such template. You are welcome to support further development of this template.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Prof. Bijaya Kumar
    Yes, nested regression tables can be created for all regression commands. See this example

    webuse lbw
    asdocx logistic low age lwt i.race smoke ptl ht ui, replace nest
    asdocx logistic low age lwt i.race  ptl ht ui,  nest
    asdocx logistic low age lwt i.race smoke ,  nest
                               Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                  2               3               4 
      1 |                                 (1)             (2)             (3) 
      2 |                                 low             low             low 
      3 |age                           -0.027          -0.032          -0.023 
      4 |                             (0.036)         (0.035)         (0.034) 
      5 |lwt                         -0.015**        -0.017**         -0.013* 
      6 |                             (0.007)         (0.007)         (0.006) 
      7 |1bn.race                                                             
      8 |                                                                     
      9 |2.race                       1.263**         1.042**         1.231** 
     10 |                             (0.526)         (0.508)         (0.517) 
     11 |3.race                       0.862**            0.41         0.944** 
     12 |                             (0.439)          (0.38)         (0.416) 
     13 |smoke                        0.923**                        1.054*** 
     14 |                             (0.401)                          (0.38) 
     15 |ptl                            0.542         0.679**                 
     16 |                             (0.346)         (0.341)                 
     17 |ht                          1.833***        1.896***                 
     18 |                             (0.692)         (0.709)                 
     19 |ui                            0.759*          0.767*                 
     20 |                             (0.459)         (0.446)                 
     21 |_cons                          0.461           1.308            0.33 
     22 |                             (1.205)          (1.15)         (1.108) 
     23 |Observations                     189             189             189 
     24 |Pseudo R2                      0.142           0.118           0.086 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106
    in reply to: Table gridlines #16153

    Hello Brian
    asdocx creates regular tables in MS Word. There is nothing peculiar about the way asdocx creates these tables. If you want to see how the table looks like with all borders visible, you may click on the table handle (as shown below with yellow color) inside Word, the Table Designtab will appear. Under the Borders group, click on borders and select all borders.
    As shown in the following picture, asdocx table has one merged row for table title at the top of the table, and one merged row for tables notes at the bottom of the table. Rest of the table can be viewed and modified as desired.
    asdocx table

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Brian
    I have updated asdocx in line with your request. R-squared can now be optionally suppressed in nested tables. The adjusted r-squared can be shown with the option stat(r2_a). See this example:

    sysuse auto
    asdocx reg price mpg rep78 , nest  stat(r2_a) nor2 replace
    asdocx reg price mpg rep78 trunk, nest  stat(r2_a) nor2 
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                        2                     3 
      1 |                                       (1)                   (2) 
      2 |                                     price                 price 
      3 |mpg                            -271.643***           -252.266*** 
      4 |                                  (57.771)              (70.806) 
      5 |rep78                             666.957*              650.053* 
      6 |                                 (342.356)             (346.176) 
      7 |trunk                                                     42.466 
      8 |                                                        (88.662) 
      9 |_cons                          9657.754***           8711.347*** 
     10 |                                 (1346.54)            (2395.593) 
     11 |Observations                            69                    69 
     12 |Adj R\super2                         0.228                 0.219 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    All commands related to row() are deprecated in asdocx. They are replaced with the flexmat suit of commands. flexmat is part of asdocx package, and is already installed on your system. See resources related to flexmat here.

    Video :

    Post: Introduction to flexmat:
    Using flexmat inside asdocx

    The example you have quoted above can be easily implemented using flexmat.

    flexmat reset
    flexmat addrow, data(\i, \i, invest, \i, \i, kstock,\i) row(1) col(1)
    flexmat addrow, data( Periods, N, Mean, SD, N, Mean, SD) row(2) col(1)
    webuse grunfeld, clear
    sum invest if inrange(year , 1935, 1945)
    flexmat addrow, data(1935-1945, r(N)' ,r(mean)', `r(sd)') row(3) col(1) dec(3)
    sum kstock if inrange(year , 1935, 1945)
    flexmat addrow, data(`r(N)' ,r(mean)', `r(sd)') row(3) col(5) dec(3)
    asdocx exportflex

    Yes, the help needs to be updated.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Rune Lomholt
    Adding additional features to asdocx requires time, and I have to prioritize features that many researchers will benefit from. I do accept contribution from user who might want to add some niche features to asdocx. Such contributions are acknowledged in the asdocx.ado’s main header.
    Concerning the suggested commands, I would recommend using workarounds. (For reporting total effects, indirect effects and direct effects, please see this post For example, you can use the wmat command of asdocx for the egcof as it leaves behind a matrix.

    sem (Affective -> a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) (Cognitive -> c1 c2 c3 c4 c5)
    estat eqgof
    mat a = r(eqfit)
    asdocx wmat, mat(a) replace 
                                       Results Table
      0 |1                 2              3             4           5           6 
      1 |             fitted      predicted      residual      _cons        _cons 
      2 |a1         2028.598       1644.463       384.136       0.811         0.9 
      3 |a2         1923.217       1565.865       357.352       0.814       0.902 
      4 |a3         1307.726       1152.775       154.951       0.882       0.939 
      5 |a4         2024.798       1528.339       496.459       0.755       0.869 
      6 |a5         2052.328       1860.643       191.686       0.907       0.952 
      7 |c1          627.599        455.935       171.664       0.726       0.852 
      8 |c2          738.333        566.527       171.806       0.767       0.876 
      9 |c3         1082.374         806.36       276.014       0.745       0.863 
     10 |c4          851.311        627.112       224.199       0.737       0.858 
     11 |c5            725.3        578.435       146.866       0.798       0.893 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Sorry i I forgot to update the ado file, just updated it. Please update asdocx and see if the problem is solved?

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Please update asdocx and see if the problem is solved?

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    You are right. Please update it now.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Aduba Joesph
    This issue has been fixed, please update asdocx

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Given your request, I have now updated asdocx. When use option label in the nested regressions, asdocx will report variable labels for the dependent and independent variables.

    sysuse auto, clear
    asdocx reg rep78 price mpg, nest label replace
    asdocx reg foreign  price mpg, nest label
      0 |1                                                      2                   3 
      1 |                                                     (1)                 (2) 
      2 |                                      Repair record 1978          Car origin 
      3 |Price                                              0.000*              0.00** 
      4 |                                                   (0.00)              (0.00) 
      5 |Mileage (mpg)                                   0.086***            0.042*** 
      6 |                                                 (0.021)             (0.009) 
      7 |constant                                          1.066*           -0.893*** 
      8 |                                                 (0.614)             (0.277) 
      9 |Observations                                          69                  74 
     10 |R-squared                                          0.207               0.224 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    @Rune Lomholt
    If you want to report just the percentages, you can use the nofreq option

    asdocx tab rep78 foreign ,  rowsort nofreq replace
                                Tabulation of rep78 foreign
      0 |1                                          2             3            4 
      1 |  Repair record 1978              Car origin                            
      2 | 1                                  Domestic       Foreign        Total 
      3 |3                                         90            10          100 
      4 |4                                         50            50          100 
      5 |5                                     18.182        81.818          100 
      6 |2                                        100             0          100 
      7 |1                                        100             0          100 
      8 | Total                                69.565        30.435          100 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Turns out that rowsort and colsort options in Stata generate frequencies, without percentages. To make the asdocx output at par with that of the Stata’s output, I have now made some changes to asdocx. Therefore, these options no longer generate percentages. See the following example

    sysuse auto, clear
    * using rowsort and colsort options
    asdocx tab rep78 foreign ,  rowsort colsort replace
                               Tabulation of rep78 foreign
      0 |1                                      2             3             4 
      1 |  Repair Record 1978            Car type                             
      2 | 1                              Domestic       Foreign         Total 
      3 |3                                     27             3            30 
      4 |4                                      9             9            18 
      5 |5                                      2             9            11 
      6 |2                                      8             0             8 
      7 |1                                      2             0             2 
      8 | Total                                48            21            69 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    You can get rid of any column or row using the capability of flexmat. See this example

    * First create the full table
    asdocx tab rep78 foreign, rowsort colsort replace                            
                                    Tabulation  of rep78 foreign
      0 |1                                          2             3            4 
      1 |  Repair record 1978              Car origin                            
      2 | 1                                  Domestic       Foreign        Total 
      3 |3                                         27             3           30 
      4 |                                          90            10          100 
      5 |                                       56.25        14.286       43.478 
      6 |4                                          9             9           18 
      7 |                                          50            50          100 
      8 |                                       18.75        42.857       26.087 
      9 |5                                          2             9           11 
     10 |                                      18.182        81.818          100 
     11 |                                       4.167        42.857       15.942 
     12 |2                                          8             0            8 
     13 |                                         100             0          100 
     14 |                                      16.667             0       11.594 
     15 |1                                          2             0            2 
     16 |                                         100             0          100 
     17 |                                       4.167             0        2.899 
     18 | Total                                    48            21           69 
     19 |                                      69.565        30.435          100 
     20 |                                         100           100          100 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\MyFile.docx
    * The flexmat table shows rows and columns numbers for easy identification
    ** drop the desired rows
    . flexmat droprow, row(4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20)
                                Tabulation of rep78 foreign
      0 |1                                                             2                 3                     4 
      1 |       Repair ~1978                    Car origin                                           
      2 |                                                       Domestic           Foreign                 Total 
      3 |3                                                            27                 3                    30 
      4 |4                                                             9                 9                    18 
      5 |5                                                             2                 9                    11 
      6 |2                                                             8                 0                     8 
      7 |1                                                             2                 0                     2 
      8 |       Total                                                 48                21                    69 
    * Now export the results
    . asdocx export


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