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  • Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Prof Eric
    As shown in this post, a new paragraph can be started with the keyword \par

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Jaemin Lee
    I have added option stat(p90) now. Please update asdocx.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Professor Eric
    I have now added support for the following packages / graphs:
    1. heatplot
    2. hexplot
    3. marginsplot

    How to use marginsplot

    Since the marginsplot is made after the margins and regress commands, therefore, the following two lines of codes are necessary for creating this graph with asdocx.

    1. regress command should be executed as a first step.

    2. asdocx marginsplot, margins_command()

    In the second step, we need the option margins_command() with the margins command given inside the brackets. See this example

     *Load example data
    webuse nhanes2
    * Estimate regression
    regress bpsystol agegrp##sex
    * Create the margins plot
    asdocx marginsplot, margins_command(margins agegrp)
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Mingming Ji
    Thanks for reporting this. I have added this command to asdocx now. Please update it and try.

    webuse nlswork
    asdocx reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa south , absorb(idcode year) nest replace 
    asdocx reghdfe ln_w grade age ttl_exp tenure not_smsa  , absorb(idcode year) nest
                               Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                      2                   3 
      1 |                                     (1)                 (2) 
      2 |                                    ln_w                ln_w 
      3 |grade                                                        
      4 |                                                             
      5 |age                                0.011               0.011 
      6 |                                  (0.01)              (0.01) 
      7 |ttl_exp                         0.032***            0.032*** 
      8 |                                 (0.002)             (0.002) 
      9 |tenure                           0.01***            0.011*** 
     10 |                                 (0.001)             (0.001) 
     11 |not_smsa                       -0.091***           -0.096*** 
     12 |                                  (0.01)              (0.01) 
     13 |south                          -0.064***                     
     14 |                                 (0.011)                     
     15 |_cons                           1.162***            1.144*** 
     16 |                                 (0.291)             (0.291) 
     17 |Observations                       27541               27541 
     18 |R-squared                          0.676               0.676 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I had not activated the italic and bold options for the title row. They are now active. Do update asdocx before checking these options.

    I appreciate your feedback. Concerning this service and asdocx as being a premium version of asdoc, I am committed to make it even better. asdocx community will play a significant role in its future success. Therefore, existing members are requested to spread the word about asdocx. As the community grows, the revenue stream will make more sense, leading to more features and development ($9.99 being the annual fee will make an impact only if members grow to around a 1000 or more.)

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have fixed this. The error was caused by the sort function of Mata. Sorting numbers that are stored as string does not work as expected. I had to find an alternative algorithm and now the sort option works on both string and numbers. See the following examples

    sysuse census
    * The case where labels are string
    asdocx tab region, replace sort
     0 |1                                2             3                               4 
      1 |Census region                Freq.       Percent                Cumulative Freq. 
      2 |South                           16         32.00                           32.00 
      3 |West                            13         26.00                           58.00 
      4 |N Cntrl                         12         24.00                           82.00 
      5 |NE                               9         18.00                          100.00 
      6 | Total                          50        100.00                                 
    * The case where labels are numbers
    sysuse auto, clear
    asdocx tab rep78, replace sort
                                     Tabulation of rep78
      0 |1                                2             3                               4 
      1 |Repair record 1978           Freq.       Percent                Cumulative Freq. 
      2 |3                               30         43.48                           43.48 
      3 |4                               18         26.09                           69.57 
      4 |5                               11         15.94                           85.51 
      5 |2                                8         11.59                           97.10 
      6 |1                                2          2.90                          100.00 
      7 | Total                          69        100.00                                 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    There was a temporary error on the server, please try updating it now.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Professor Eric
    asdoc keeps a copy of the stored matrices, results, text, and graphs in the hidden folder ‘_asdoc`. These files are used when users try to append new results to existing files. Therefore, these files are required by asdocx, until the user decides that s/he will never need to append to the same file. However, if the decides to delete these files, asdocx then offer the following three commands.

    1. Delete all files

    The code is

    asdocx clear 

    This code deletes all files in the hidden working director _asdoc.

    2. Delete all graphs

    The code is

    asdocx clear graph 

    This code deletes all png files in the hidden working director _asdoc.

    3. Delete all flexmat files

    The code is

    asdocx clear flexmat 

    This code deletes all flexmat files in the hidden working director _asdoc.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    It has been fixed. Please update

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have updated asdocx and have added option autoto the table_layout. First update asdocx.


    Table layout :  auto, autofit , fixed


    means the width is the same for all columns in the table. It is similar to the ‘Fixed-Column Width‘ in MS Word.


    When auto is specified, the column width automatically resizes to fit the window. It is similar to ‘AutoFit-Window‘ in MS Word


    When autofit is specified, the table width is determined by the overall table layout algorithm, which automatically resizes the column width to fit the contents.  In MS Word parlance, it is similar to ‘AutoFit-Contents‘ .

    The default is layout(fixed). To set table layout to auto permanently , change the following line in the file from

    global table_layout "fixed"


    global table_layout "auto"

    If you want to change it just for a specific table or in the current Stata session, then use the option table_layout(auto)

    asdocx sum AD TD ED FD ta, detail replace table_layout(auto) fs(10)

    You may like to read more about session and permanent option here

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I cannot replicate the mentioned error

    sysuse tsline1, clear
    tsset lag
    asdocx newey2 ar ma, lag(12) nest 
    asdocx newey2 ar ma, lag(12) nest 
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                        2                     3 
      1 |                                       (1)                   (2) 
      2 |                                        ar                    ar 
      3 |ma                                   0.014                 0.014 
      4 |                                   (0.418)               (0.418) 
      5 |_cons                             2.127***              2.127*** 
      6 |                                   (0.255)               (0.255) 
      7 |Observations                           200                   200 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\Test.docx
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    You can use the control word \par to start a new paragraph. Also, you can drop the append option as append is optional and is the default option.

    asdocx, save(Test) text(Title) replace title
    asdocx, text(Paragraph1)
    asdocx, text(Paragraph2)
    asdocx, text(Cannot have linebreak! Paragraph3 \par)

    You can explore other options related to the text() option here

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have updated asdocx. The updated version fixes this issue. You can update asdocx by

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have updated asdocx. The updated version fixes this issue. You can update asdocx by

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Please post code that can replicate the said error.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 105 total)