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  • Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    tabm is a community contributed command. asdoc does not have any specific routine to create output file from this command. It just converts the log output to MS Word. On the other hand, asdocx has a built-in routine for creating such tables. Intead of using tabm command, you shall need to use the tabmany. See this Statalist post where I has shown an example of how to use tabmany

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    This is a rare occurrence. Seems your version of Stata has problem running the compiled Mata code. I have re-compiled the function and uploaded to the server. Please take the following steps and see if it can resolve the issue.

    1. First update asdocx


    2. restart and see whether the problem is resolved

    3. If not then please update Stata to version 15.1 (Since you have Stata 15, the update is free), and check whether it resolves the issue.

    4. If the issue is still not resolved, then run the following code and send its log to me.

    set trace on 
    log using "asdocx.smcl"
    sysuse auto, clear
    asdocx tab foreign rep78, replace
    log close
    set trace off

    It will generate a file with asdocx.smcl in the current directory, please send this file to me.

    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    As mentioned in the help file of asdocx, you can use the reset option to start a new table in the same document.

    syuse auto, clear
    asdocx reg foreign price mpg trunk weight, nest replace
    asdocx reg foreign price mpg trunk , nest reset
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Thanks for your feedback. In the reg1 template, the decimal points of the p-values can be controlled with the dect() option. For the rest of the table, you can use dec() option. See the following example

    sysuse auto, clear
    asdocx logit foreign price mpg trunk weight, template(reg1) replace dect(3) dec(2)
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Lee,
    Can you please provide the code you are using. From asdocx help file, I have tried the following code and it works fine.

    sysuse auto, clear
    asdocx ttest rep78==0, replace title(T-test results : mean == 0)
    asdocx ttest price==0, rowappend
    asdocx ttest mpg==0, rowappend
    asdocx ttest turn==0, rowappend
    asdocx ttest weight==0, rowappend
    asdocx ttest length==0, rowappend

    using rowappend with by() option

    asdocx ttest mpg, by(foreign) replace
    asdocx ttest mpg, by(foreign) rowappend
    asdocx ttest price , by(foreign) rowappend
      0 |1                          2       3        4        5        6        7        8        9 
      1 |                       obs1    obs2    Mean1    Mean2      dif   St_Err  t_value   p_value 
      2 |mpg by foreign: 0 1       52      22   19.827   24.773   -4.946    1.362    -3.65    0.001 
      3 |mpg by foreign: 0 1       52      22   19.827   24.773   -4.946    1.362    -3.65    0.001 
      4 |price by foreign: ~1      52      22 6072.423 6384.682 -312.259  754.449     -0.4     0.68 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have added the bysort and by options for nested regressions. First update asdocx. One example is presented below:

    * Use grunfeld dataset
    webuse grunfeld
    * Just keep 5 companies in the dataset and then estimate regression for each company
    keep if company < 6
    * Note the bys company
    bys company : asdocx reg invest mvalue kstock, nest replace
                                              Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                   2                3                4                5                6 
      1 |                                  (1)              (2)              (3)              (4)              (5) 
      2 |                                    1                2                3                4                5 
      3 |mvalue                       0.118***         0.118***         0.118***         0.118***         0.118*** 
      4 |                              (0.009)          (0.009)          (0.009)          (0.009)          (0.009) 
      5 |kstock                       0.256***         0.256***         0.256***         0.256***         0.256*** 
      6 |                              (0.039)          (0.039)          (0.039)          (0.039)          (0.039) 
      7 |_cons                      -63.611***       -63.611***       -63.611***       -63.611***       -63.611*** 
      8 |                             (22.376)         (22.376)         (22.376)         (22.376)         (22.376) 
      9 |Observations                      100              100              100              100              100 
     10 |R-squared                       0.761            0.761            0.761            0.761            0.761 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have now updated asdocx. You can now use bysort or by() with tabulate command. Here is an example:

    sysuse auto, clear
    by foreign : asdocx tab rep78, replace
                      Tabulation of rep78 when foreign is Domestic
      0 |1                                   2                3                4 
      1 |Repair record 1978              Freq.          Percent             Cum. 
      2 |1                                   2             4.17             4.17 
      3 |2                                   8            16.67            20.83 
      4 |3                                  27            56.25            77.08 
      5 |4                                   9            18.75            95.83 
      6 |5                                   2             4.17           100.00 
      7 | Total                             48           100.00                  
                        Tabulation of rep78 when foreign is Foreign
      0 |1                                   2                3                4 
      1 |Repair record 1978              Freq.          Percent             Cum. 
      2 |3                                   3            14.29            14.29 
      3 |4                                   9            42.86            57.14 
      4 |5                                   9            42.86           100.00 
      5 | Total                             21           100.00                  
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\test2.docx

    I am not clear on your query related to labels. For me the lables works correctly. You must use the option label to export variable labels.

    asdocx sum price mpg rep78 headroom , detail stat(count mean sd var cv p50 skewness) ///
           title(something in danish) font(arial) dec(2) replace save(test2.docx) tzok label
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    You can control decimal points for each column separately using the option c#_dec(). The # is column number and dec(#) sets the decimal points. In your case, count and p50 are in column 2 and 7, therefore, we shall use c2_dec(0) and c7_dec(0). Since you wish to report zero decimal points in these columns, therefore we shall use dec(0).

    sysuse auto, clear
    bysort foreign : asdocx sum price , detail stat(count mean sd var cv p50 skewness) ///
    title(title) font(Arial) dec(2) replace tzok c2_dec(0) c7_dec(0)
      0 |1                    2          3          4           5         6         7           8 
      1 |foreign              N       mean         sd    variance        cv    Median    skewness 
      2 |Domestic            52    6072.42    3097.10  9592054.92      0.51      4783        1.78 
      3 |Foreign             22    6384.68    2621.92  6874438.70      0.41      5759        1.22 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Since we are using the nest option, all subsequent regressions are nested in the table. See this example:

    sysuse auto, clear
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight foreign)
    asdocx replay, nest replace
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight )
    asdocx replay, nest
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                    2                 3 
      1 |                                   (1)               (2) 
      2 |                                   mpg               mpg 
      3 |weight                       -0.017***         -0.014*** 
      4 |                               (0.004)           (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                 0***               0** 
      6 |                                   (0)               (0) 
      7 |foreign                       -2.204**                   
      8 |                                (1.03)                   
      9 |_cons                        56.539***         51.183*** 
     10 |                               (6.028)            (5.65) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                  10.193***         10.823*** 
     12 |                               (1.676)           (1.779) 
     13 |Observations                        74                74 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\MyFile.docx

    If you wish to start a new table, you can use the option reset

    asdocx replay, nest reset
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                    2                 3 
      1 |                                   (1)               (2) 
      2 |                                   mpg               mpg 
      3 |weight                       -0.017***         -0.014*** 
      4 |                               (0.004)           (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                 0***               0** 
      6 |                                   (0)               (0) 
      7 |foreign                       -2.204**                   
      8 |                                (1.03)                   
      9 |_cons                        56.539***         51.183*** 
     10 |                               (6.028)            (5.65) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                  10.193***         10.823*** 
     12 |                               (1.676)           (1.779) 
     13 |Observations                        74                74 
                                 Table: Regression results
      0 |1                                                    2 
      1 |                                                   (1) 
      2 |                                                   mpg 
      3 |weight                                       -0.014*** 
      4 |                                               (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                                  0** 
      6 |                                                   (0) 
      7 |_cons                                        51.183*** 
      8 |                                                (5.65) 
      9 |/var(e.mpg)                                  10.823*** 
     10 |                                               (1.779) 
     11 |Observations                                        74 
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    gsem suit of commands have a challenging syntax structure and hence cannot be directly used with asdocx. However, there is a workaround. Once the gsem command is executed, we can export its output in the next step using asdocx. See the following example, I am using the special replay command with asdocx. The replay is useful in all other situations as well when the syntax structure is complex.

    sysuse auto
    gsem (mpg <- weight c.weight#c.weight foreign)
    asdocx replay, nest replace
      0 |1                                                       2 
      1 |                                                      (1) 
      2 |                                                      mpg 
      3 |weight                                          -0.017*** 
      4 |                                                  (0.004) 
      5 |c.weight#c.weight                                    0*** 
      6 |                                                      (0) 
      7 |foreign                                          -2.204** 
      8 |                                                   (1.03) 
      9 |_cons                                           56.539*** 
     10 |                                                  (6.028) 
     11 |/var(e.mpg)                                     10.193*** 
     12 |                                                  (1.676) 
     13 |Observations                                           74 
    Click to Open File:  C:\temp\MyFile.docx
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Rune
    Welcome to asdocx forum. I think you need some sort of a customized table, for which flexmat is a good choice. flexmat is part of the asdocx package and it is already installed if you have asdocx. There are several examples where I show how to make tables with flexmat, or modify tables that are already made by asdocx. References to these resources are given below. Please note the option transpose, it changes the table layout from wide to long.

    1. Introduction to flexmat : [ view post here ]

    2. Add a Stata matrix to existing asdocx table [view post here ]

    3. Create tables by cells, rows, or columns [ YouTube Video ]

    To give a quick start for your desired solution, let me present the following code:

    * Load some example data
    sysuse bpwide
    * Create statistics with asdocx
    asdocx sum bp_before bp_after, stat(count mean sd var p50 skewness) replace transpose
      0 |1                                    2                   3 
      1 |Variables                    bp before            bp after 
      2 |N                                  120                 120 
      3 |Mean                            156.45           151.35833 
      4 |Std. Dev.                     11.38985            14.17762 
      5 |variance                     129.72857           201.00497 
      6 |Median                           154.5               149.5 
      7 |skewness                       0.54729             0.38843 
    * Conduct a two sample t-test
    ttest  bp_before == bp_after
    * The p-value from the t-test can now be appended to row 8 of the table created by asdoc
    flexmat addrow, data(p-value, `r(p)')  row(8) dec(4)
                              Table: Summary Statistics
      0 |1                                    2                   3 
      1 |Variables                    bp before            bp after 
      2 |N                                  120                 120 
      3 |Mean                            156.45           151.35833 
      4 |Std. Dev.                     11.38985            14.17762 
      5 |variance                     129.72857           201.00497 
      6 |Median                           154.5               149.5 
      7 |skewness                       0.54729             0.38843 
      8 |p-value                         0.0011                     
    * Export the new table to MS Word
    asdocx export
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Kan Wang
    Seems you have updated asdocx after a long time. The reason you are getting this error is that the asdocx_update command had a bug, it did not include a code to update the flexmat_to_excel program. This is now fixed. Just once you need the following code, and after that, you can use the usual asdocx_update command to update asdocx.

    net install asdocx, from( replace
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    I have updated asdocx. The table title can now be split into multiple lines. To do so, add the control word \cr in the table title

    asdocx sum ri B1 B2 B3 , title(First title \cr Second title \cr Third Title) replace title_align(center)
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    If you want to write formatted text to the same document, you can use asdocx for that. See the following example where I add heading 1 and heading 2 using asdocx, and then add two regressions to the same file.

    sysuse auto
    asdocx, text(Normal input cost) h1 replace
    asdocx, text ("Case one: Unit cost versus Cumulative Consumption (MWA)") h2
    asdocx reg mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight, nest
    asdocx reg mpg rep78 headroom  weight, nest
    Dr. Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 106

    Hello Aduba Joseph

    * asdocx: June 19, 2021: Version 1.6.6

    I have added notes to nested regression. Nested regression now automatically reports notes in the table footer concerning either standard errors, robust standard errors, t-values or p-values, as the case may be. To get the updated version, type:


    In addition to the default notes, if you want to append additional notes, you can use the notes(text) option. For example,

    asdocx reg price mpg trunk, robust nest notes(The data source is auto.dta dataset)
Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 105 total)