Export tabcount from Stata Export tabcount output from Stata

tabcount is a community-contributed package written by Nicholas J. Cox. It tabulates frequencies for up to 7 variables. Users of asdocx have requested the addition of support for tabcount. Beginning with version 2.2.0, asdocx will export tabcount output from Stata to Word, Excel, LaTeX, or HTML.

A slightly modified version of the program is available on the asdocx website, which is automatically downloaded when a user first uses it with asdocx. The modification is done to extract only the output matrix from the program and send it to asdocx, no other changes are made1. To use it with asdocx, simply add “asdocx” as a prefix. Here are some examples of how to use it with asdocx.

  * Load example dataset
 webuse nlswork, clear
 * asdocx with tabcount
asdocx tabcount union ind_code, v1(1 0) v2(1/6) replace
Table: Tabulation of frequencies
industry of employment
1 if union 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 126 37 167 2618 475 2598
1 5 1 18 1133 594 320

Please note that both asdocx and tabcount have an optional option replace. To ensure clear and accurate usage, users may use the poption(replace) when they intend to use option replace with tabcount.


Example from tabcount help file

  * Load example dataset
 sysuse auto, clear
tabcount foreign rep78, v1(0 1) v2(1/5) replace
egen pcfreq = pc(_freq), by(foreign)
bysort foreign (rep78) : gen cupc = sum(pcfreq)

* Export tabdisp output with asdocx
asdocx tabdisp foreign rep78, c(pcfreq cupc)
Table: Tabulation of frequencies
Car type Repair Record 1978
1 2 3 4 5
Domestic 4.167 16.667 56.25 18.75 4.167
4.167 20.833 77.083 95.833 100
Foreign 0 0 14.286 42.857 42.857
0 0 14.286 57.143 100


asdocx exports various tabulation in Stata  See also

  • tabmany – Table of multiple coded answers
  • tab3way – Three way table of frequencies and percentages
  • mrtab – One- and two-way tables of multiple responses
  • fre – One-way frequency tables
  • missings – Various utilities for managing missing values
  • tabulate, tab1, tab2
  • pctab – Percentage over a grouping variable

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  • Life-time license to use
  • All future updates
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Citations of tabcount export from Stata to Excel Reference

Cox, N. J. (2003). Speaking Stata: problems with tables, part II. The Stata Journal3(4), 420-439.

1. We thank Dr Cox for permission to re-use his code and take full responsibility for the effects of any changes made in incorporating that code within asdocx.