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Reply To: asdoc: using two variables with bysort for summary statistics

I just checked the following and works fine. Do you have an updated copy of asdoc? You can check by
which asdoc
asdoc table foreign rep78, contents(freq mean price sd price min price max price ) replace

          |                Repair Record 1978               
 Car type |        1         2         3         4         5
 Domestic |        2         8        27         9         2
          |  4,564.5   5,967.6   6,607.1   5,881.6   4,204.5
          | 522.5519  3579.357  3661.267  1592.019  311.8341
          |    4,195     3,667     3,291     3,829     3,984
          |    4,934    14,500    15,906     8,814     4,425
  Foreign |        .         .         3         9         9
          |        .         .   4,828.7   6,261.4   6,292.7
          |        .         .  1285.613  1896.092  2765.629
          |        .         .     3,895     3,995     3,748
          |        .         .     6,295     9,735    11,995
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