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Customized tables using option row() of asdoc – Stata

This is rather a quick example of how to use option row() of asdoc for creating highly customized tables. We are interested in a table that is given bellow.


*Load example dataset
sysuse auto,clear

*Write the header row of the table with table title
asdoc, row(Dependent variable:domestic or foreign, Domestic mean/frequency, Domestic SD, Foreign mean/frequency, Foreign SD, t-test) title(Summary staticis) save(myfile) replace

*Add the second row : \i, adds an empty cell
asdoc, row( Model independent variables, \i, \i, \i, \i, \i) append

*Use a loop over each variable that include price, mpg, ...
foreach var of varlist price mpg rep78 headroom trunk weight length turn{
  *First summarize each variable for a given sample, that is if foregin is   zero
  qui sum `var' if foreign==0

  *Obtain the mean divided by frequency
  local mf=`r(mean)'/`r(N)'

   *Store the mf and standard deviation variable in accum macro
  asdoc, accum(`mf', `r(sd)')

*now repeat the same for the second sample, ie. when foreign is 1
  qui sum `var' if foreign==1
  local mf=`r(mean)'/`r(N)'
  asdoc, accum(`mf', `r(sd)')

*Conduct a two-sample ttest using foreign as a grouping variable
  ttest `var', by(foreign)

*Obtain the t-statistics
  local t : di %9.3f = abs(`r(t)')

*Create significance stars
  if `r(p)'<=0.01 {
    local star "***" 
  else if `r(p)'<=0.05{ 
    local star "**" 
  else if `r(p)'<=0.1{
   local star "*"
  else {
   local star " " 
  local tstar `t'`star' 

*Add the t-value and stars to the accum macro
  asdoc, accum(`tstar') 

* Finally write this complete row where we first write the variable name
*and then all accumulated variables that are present in $accum macro.
asdoc, row(`var', $accum) 
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