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How to use asdoc : a basic example

Using asdoc is pretty easy. You need to add just asdoc as a prefix to Stata commands. For example, we use the sum command to find summary statistics of all numeric variables in the dataset. We shall add just asdoc as a prefix to sum.  Let us load the auto.dta set for practice and find summary stats of all numeric variables and send the output to MS Word with asdoc

sysuse auto
asdoc sum

And voila, a beautiful table of the descriptive statistic is ready [click here to see it].

And for creating a table of correlations among all numerical variables, we shall just type asdoc cor. If we were to append the results to the same file, we shall add append after the comma or leave it (append is the default, we  can use replace to replace the existing file)

asdoc cor
asdoc cor, append

More on asdoc

See also the following resources related to asdoc.

YouTube Video: Descriptive / Summary Statistics from Stata in Word with asdoc

YouTube Video: Create a publication quality table of correlation in Stata with asdoc

YouTube Video: Writing all statistics to a single Word file from Stata with asdoc

YouTube Video: Create publication quality regression tables in Stata with asdoc

See a Table of Contents that shows what else asdoc can do

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