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Plotting cumulative average abnormal (CAAR) on a graph in Stata

In Stata, we can use the two-way graph type for plotting abnormal returns or cumulative average abnormal returns against the days of the event window. Suppose that we have event window of 7 days, and have the following data

days caar1 caar2 caar3 caar4
-3 0 0 0 0
-2 -.0043456 -.0050911 .0000683 .0000504
-1 -.0034961 -.0023533 .0037439 .0042783
0 -.0034278 .0019828 .0090661 .0106628
1 .0016178 .0067894 .0131572 .0156011
2 .0039689 .0104367 .0190594 .0221428
3 .0040022 .0129478 .0218878 .0267722

to plot the first caar1, we shall type :

graph twoway line caar1 days, xline(0)

If we were to plot all caars, then

graph twoway line caar* days, xline(0)

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