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asdoc version 2.3.3 : New Features

Version, dated Feb 23, 2019, of asdoc bring significant improvements to existing routines and introduces few new features. Details are given below. If you have not used asdoc previously, I would encourage you to read this half page quick start to asdoc.

New Features

1.Font style

2. Formatting the header row and header column

3. Revamped the tabulation commands

4. Revamped the table command

5. Extending the detailed regression tables [ Read further details here]

6. Adding support for macOS

6. Improving the output from proportion command

7. Support added for logistic family of regressions

8. Improving table outputs of non-standard outputs i.e. multilevel models

9. eform() option added to nested tables

Detailed discussion and examples are provided in the help file accompanying the new version of asdoc. However, I would like to discuss the first two features in some details below.

1. Setting font style

The default font style is Garamond in the latest version of asdoc. Option font(font_name) can be used to change the font face to any desired font style. In the brackets, we have to write the full name of the font, which is currently installed in the operating system. For example, to set the font face to Arial, we shall  


To produce summary statistics in Times New Roman font, let us use the auto dataset from the system directory

sysuse auto, clear
asdoc sum, font(Times New Roman) replace

Please note that the font() option can be used only at the start of the document. Therefore, it cannot change from table to table when using option append of asdoc.

2. Formatting table headers

In this new version of asdoc, we can easily pass RTF formatting control words to the header row and header columns of the tables. For this purpose, option () is used to format the row headers, i.e. the data given in the first column of each row. Similarly, option () is used to format the column headers, i.e., the data given in the top cells of each column. Both the () and () will pass RTF control words to the final document. See the
following examples.

Objective                                    Code to use
Format column headers as bold               fhc(\b)
Format column headers as italic             fhc(\i)
Format column headers as bold and italic    fhc(\b \i)
Format row headers as bold                  fhr(\b)
Format row headers as italic                fhr(\b)
Format row headers as bold and italic       fhr(\b \i)

So to make a table of descriptive statistics with column headers in bold and row headers in italic font, the code would be:

sysuse auto, clear
asdoc sum, fhr(\i) fhc(\b) replace
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