For creating a high-quality publication-ready table of correlations from Stata output, we need to install asdoc program from SSC first.

ssc install asdoc, update

Once the installation is complete, we shall add the word asdoc to the cor command of Stata. Since we estimate correlations among all numeric variables of a dataset by typing cor in Stata, we shall add asdoc as a prefix to the cor command. Let us load the auto.dta data from the Stata example files.


Example 1: Make a table of correlation for all variables.

sysuse auto, clear
asdoc cor


Example 2: We can report variable labels instead of variable names

asdoc cor, label replace

Further, it is possible to write names of the variables in the column headings instead of sequential numbers. For this, we shall invoke the option nonum. Therefore, see example 3.


Example 3: Write variable names in column headers

sysuse auto, clear

asdoc pwcorr, nonum replace

Read also : 

Table of contents of asdoc

Generate a correlation table with significance/stars

Generate a table of descriptive statistics

Generate a table of customized descriptive statistics