Exporting tables from table command was the most challenging part in asdoc programming. Nevertheless, asdoc does a pretty good job in exporting table from table command. asdoc accepts almost all options with table command, except cellwidth(#), stubwidth(#), and csepwidth(#).


7.1 One-way table

Example 54 : One-way table; frequencies shown by default

sysuse auto, clear
asdoc table rep78, title(Table of Freq. for Repairs) replace


Example 55 : One-way table; show count of non-missing observations for mpg}

asdoc table rep78, contents(n mpg) replace

Example 56 : One-way table; multiple statistics on mpg requested

asdoc table rep78, c(n mpg mean mpg sd mpg median mpg) replace


Example 57 : Add formatting – 2 decimals

asdoc table rep78, c(n mpg mean mpg sd mpg median mpg) dec(2) replace


7.2 Two-way table

Example 58 : Two-way table; frequencies shown by default

asdoc table rep78 foreign, replace


Example 59 : Two-way table; show means of mpg for each cell

asdoc table rep78 foreign, c(mean mpg) replace


Example 60 : Add formatting

asdoc table rep78 foreign, c(mean mpg) dec(2) center replace


Example 61 : Add row and column totals

asdoc table rep78 foreign, c(mean mpg) dec(2) center row col replace


7.3 Three-way table

Example 62 : Three-way table

webuse byssin, clear
asdoc table workplace smokes race [fw=pop], c(mean prob) replace

7.4 Four-way table

Example 65 : Four-way table with by()

webuse byssin1, clear
asdoc table workplace smokes race [fw=pop], by(sex) c(mean prob) replace


Example 66 : Four-way table with supercolumn, row, and column totals

asdoc table workplace smokes race [fw=pop], by(sex) c(mean prob) sc col row replace