Home Forums ASDOC : Easy Publication Quality Tables in Stata Help: Syntax error w/ asdoc sum Reply To: Help: Syntax error w/ asdoc sum

Attaullah Shah
Post count: 69

Copy and paste the following line in Stata and press enter.
net install asdoc, from(http://fintechprofessor.com) replace

Please note that the above line has to be copied in full. After installation of the new version, then restart Stata.

asdocx is now available
A more powerful and flexible version of asdoc is now available. I call it asdocx. You may like to check the details here

Please do remember to cite asdoc. To cite:

In-text citation
Tables were created using asdoc, a Stata program written by Shah (2018).

Shah, A. (2018). ASDOC: Stata module to create high-quality tables in MS Word from Stata output. Statistical Software Components S458466, Boston College Department of Economics.