Home Forums ASDOC : Easy Publication Quality Tables in Stata Using asdocx with un-paired t-test in Stata

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  • Corin Willers
    Post count: 118

    I’m happily using your “asdoc” command for Stata. It often makes my life easier.
    But I just stumbled upon an issue. I wanted to perform an unpaired T-test. In the help file states that a two-sample test using variables should be possible through

    asdoc ttest mpg==price, replace

    On the contrary, the Stata command for such would be

    asdoc ttest mpg==price, unpaired replace

    So I think that currently, the asdoc command gives out a paired T-test. This is only notable through the distinct Standard Errors and p-values.

    I’m kindly asking you to comment on my observation and correct me.

    Best Wishes,

    Attaullah Shah
    Post count: 69

    Thanks for reporting this. I have fixed the issue. The current version of asdoc is
    *! Version : Changes made on Jan 1, 2021
    The new version of asdoc can be installed from my site. Copy and paste the following line in Stata and press enter.

    net install asdoc, from(http://fintechprofessor.com) replace
    Please note that the above line has to be copied in full. After installation of the new version, then restart Stata.

    asdocx is now available

    A more powerful and flexible version of asdoc is now available. I call it asdocx. You may like to check the details here

    Please do remember to cite asdoc. To cite:

    In-text citation
    Tables were created using asdoc, a Stata program written by Shah (2018).

    Shah, A. (2018). ASDOC: Stata module to create high-quality tables in MS Word from Stata output. Statistical Software Components S458466, Boston College Department of Economics.

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